(7) Cautious Optimism for the E&P Sector: Will 2025-2026 Finally be Breakout Years for Natural Gas Markets and Have Market Prices and Cost Inflation Finally Settled in the Oil Patch?
In 2024, and despite the continuance of lingering headwinds in commercial real estate, the oil and natural gas sector of ADISA's sponsor group raised approximately $1.4 billion across multiple program strategies that included drilling, minerals and royalty rights acquisitions, non-operated working interests, and QOF structured programs. This sets the course for an interesting path for these sponsors in 2025-2026, as oil prices and drilling costs have begun to stabilize, where natural gas sponsors are positioning for significant growth in 2025-2029 with LNG exporting and data center growth. Come and hear from established upstream companies where oil/gas markets and opportunities have been recently, and more importantly, are likely to go in the future under a supportive POTUS and prospects for market success.
Facilitator: Michelle Galeski, Rep Driven Results
Participants: Jeffrey Slotterback, WhiteHawk Energy; Woody Soemantoro, MDS Energy Development; Shanna Keaveny, Texakoma
Session coordinators: Brad Updike, Mick Law; Joanna Venetch; Hana Solutions