
ADISA Committee Structure

ADISA Committees

Conference Planning Committee


Oversees the program and planning for ADISA's Annual Conference, AI Research & Due Diligence Forum and Spring Conference. They work to develop a compelling agenda, as well as recruiting and assigning speakers.

Education & Publications Committee


Advancing and promoting the education arm of ADISA's mission statement; responsible for establishing and promoting ADISA, white papers and education, web knowledge center, and maximization of efforts/continuity/distribution of publications and educational activities to membership and industry at-large.

Legislative & Regulatory Committee


Responsible for ADISA's efforts to influence regulation and legislation, particularly statements, responses, alerts and advice on any legislative and regulatory programming.

Marketing & Communications Committee


The Marketing & Communications Committee is dedicated to promoting ADISA and strengthening communication among the volunteers, membership, and industry at large.

Membership Committee


Responsible for recommending membership pricing/categories, as well as offering advice and assistance with marketing planning for new members.

Impact Committee


This committee will seek to educate ADISA’s alternative investment sector to help meet the increasing demand from their clients to align their capital with their passions or values and to serve as a trusted resource for stakeholders within this investment space and to further fair and transparent progress in the field. 

Diversity & Next Generation Committee


Connects diverse and younger members with the alternative and direct investment industry; strengthens their professional network; and enhances the personal and professional growth of minorities within the industry.

Standing Councils/Discussion Groups

Broker-Dealer Advisory Council (BDAC)


Grassroots group of ADISA Broker-Dealer members only with special discussion topics of relevant issues affecting the Broker-Dealer community. 

RIA Task Force


Grassroots group of ADISA RIA members only with special discussion topics of relevant issues affecting the RIA community.