Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What effective difference will long-time TNDDA attendees notice?
A: Mostly logistical: TNDDA events will now follow a Sunday to Tuesday pattern, the tabletop displays will be around the dining area, and the registration process will be run through the ADISA website. Otherwise, it will be mostly TNDDA as usual.
Q: How are TNDDA events conducted?
A: TNDDA's events--unlike a regular ADISA event--are comprised of commercial presentations ("pitches"). Sponsors pay to present in a serial format and are also given a tabletop display opportunity around the food and beverage meeting space. After a session featuring several sponsor presentations, the audience of broker-dealers and RIAs, along with due diligence analysts, participate in a moderated closed-door discussion of the presentations they have seen. There is ample opportunity for networking during breakfast, lunch and receptions as well.
Q: Is there a cost for broker-dealers, advisors or family offices to attend?
A: Broker-dealer, advisor and family office room charge, food and beverage with the group, plus airfare (up to $600.00*) is paid by TNDDA by ADISA. This applies to ONE person from the firm and there is a $700.00 fee for each additional attendee.
(*Ground transportation and parking not included.)
Q: What kind of sponsors present at TNDDA?
A: Generally, alternative investment sponsors such as: real estate, debt and equity partnerships and non-traded REITs, traditional oil & gas and alternative energy, corporate leasing and financing, venture capital, private equity, business development corporations, life settlement, conservation easements, opportunity zones, managed equity and fixed income. Various service providers such as TPAs, trust companies, due diligence firms, marketing and practice management consultants also attend.
Q: Can sponsors attend a conference just to observe?
A: No. Sponsors that pay to attend and present deserve unrestricted access to broker-dealers, RIAs and family offices to communicate and answer questions.
Q: What is the difference between going to an ADISA event and going to a TNDDA event, and which should I go to if I'm a sponsor?
A: Regular ADISA meeting have educational sessions vetted by peers to provide the highest quality information; the commercial activity in primarily in the large exhibit areas of great networking (these are some of the retail alts industry's largest with 1,000+ attendees). The TNDDA events are smaller and more in line with events where sponsors pay to give "pitch" presentations. Both formats have their place. At both ADISA and TNDDA, many funds of all sizes are present, but funds raising under $50MM are more likely to try TNDDA first. TNDDA is also set up to give formal feedback to emerging funds particularly.
Q: What are the opportunities for sponsors to interact with broker-dealers and advisors during the conferences?
A: A TNDDA event offers the following interaction opportunities: a 30-minute general introductory session, a 25-minute presentation time for each sponsor, three 45-minute exhibit booth sessions, and a wrap-up session of approximately 5 minutes for each sponsor at the end of the event. In addition, all means and receptions are held in the exhibit hall.
Q: May a broker-dealer, advisor or family office attend a conference without becoming a member of of ADISA?
A: No. New broker-dealers, advisors and family offices must qualify for membership to ADISA by filling out an application. There is no membership fee for IBDs/RIAs/FOs to belong to ADISA.
Q: Can managing broker-dealers attend and become members?
A: Not unless the broker-dealer also has a retail presence. Firms that are managing broker-dealers only may attend with their sponsor clients. Broker-dealers who enter into selling agreements with sponsors for which they do not provide managing broker-dealer services may attend as guests or members.
Q: Are there additional sponsorship opportunities during the TNDDA event?
A: There are gold, silver and bronze levels, which include additional signage and named meals during the event.
Q: How often does TNDDA have events?
A: TNDDA has three due diligence events each year. Generally, a February one, a July event (held right before ADISA's Alts Research & Due Diligence Forum), and a November event.
Q: Are TNDDA events always in the same location?
A: No. TNDDA rotates around the continental U.S.
Q: How many attend TNDDA events?
A: In recent years, there are about 22 sponsors and about 40 IBD/RIA firms. The number of total participants has been around 100.
Q: Do law firms and analysts who write research on sponsors attend?
A: Yes. Law firms and analysts attend TNDDA.
Q: What is the unique value TNDDA events provide to broker-dealers, advisors and family offices?
A: After each group of sponsor presentations, broker-dealers, advisors and family offices hold a Closed-Door session (which includes law firms and analysts) for a peer discussion regarding each presentation.
Q: What are "Shop Talk" sessions?
A: Informal round table discussions on topics of interest to broker-dealers, advisors and family offices.