ADISA Event Sponsorship
Sponsoring an ADISA event gives you the opportunity to increase recognition of your brand, make new connections, and attend conference events. We also offer sponsorship of conference materials, giveaway items, and event venues.
Exhibit Opportunities
Choose from five exhibit sponsorship tiers, each of which reserves your exhibit space at an ADISA event. Our diamond sponsorship includes eight full conference attendee registrations and 50 conference passes for registered representatives, RIAs, broker-dealers, or IARs of your choice. We include all exhibit sponsor logos in the event program and in an automated slideshow before general sessions. We also include your digital logo in our mobile app, linking to your chosen URL.
Additional Sponsorship Opportunities
Our annual conference offers a wide range of sponsorship options. We can include your brand on tote bags, on banners, at charging stations, and in other areas. Most aspects of our annual event, including lunches and cocktail receptions, are supported by sponsors. Custom opportunities not listed on our sponsorship page may be available by request.
Attendee List Policy
ADISA provides attendee emails to exhibitors and assists in sending email blasts prior to the event, via a third-party email delivery system. These emails are compliant with anti-spam regulations.
MBD Exhibitor Limits
Only managed broker-dealers who are paid representatives within the booth/exhibit space may use email lists. The lists cannot be shared with other parties.