News & Advocacy
ADISA Launches State Regulator Education Program
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On Monday, Jan. 24, 2022, ADISA members were invited to provide educational presentations regarding the alternative investment industry to delegations from around the Southeast at the Alabama Securities Commission office in Montgomery, where director Joe Borg was instrumental in rolling out the red carpet. Representing ADISA were Greg Mausz, Preferred Capital Securities; John Grady, ABR Dynamic Funds; Kirk Montgomery, Practus; and ADISA Executive Director John Harrison. Approximately two dozen securities regulators from several states (AL, AR, GA, KY, MS, SC, and TN) attended the event. In addition to the nearly three-hour comprehensive briefing on alts, there was time for discussion and questions from the regulators that provided a valuable opportunity for ADISA to effectively explain the structure and purpose of the various investment products that were discussed. Regulators were interested to learn about the products themselves and in regards to additional sourced information on the industry, such as BlueVault, The DI Wire, Robert A. Stanger & Co., Mountain Dell Consulting, AI Insight, etc.). There were also registered investment advisor (RIA) and independent broker-dealer observers present who were able to provide further insight to help the regulators understand the best uses of particular alt classes. Given the success of the event, several others are being planned for other regions soon.
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ADISA Submits Comments to NASAA Regarding Proposed Revisions to NASAA’s Model Rule
ADISA Announces 2025 Board of Directors
The members of ADISA (Alternative & Direct Investment Securities Association), the nation's largest trade association serving the alternative investments and securities industry, have chosen new directors for its 2025 board.